Okay, okay, for real this time. I am seriously going to try to get into a regular routine of updating the blog with the exciting (and not so exciting) happenings of our life. But...for your own safety, better not hold your breath.
I know a lot has happened since I last updated, but I've been doing a horrible job of capturing things on film, or SD card more accurately, lately. So here's a brief and most-likely boring rundown:
-We attended no fewer than four weddings, showers and a funeral. All were beautiful celebrations of life, love, and Jesus Christ with close friends.
-We went to support our friend Chris's band, Sleeperstar, at their concert in Deep Ellum. We stayed out past 2am people. It was epic, both the concert and the fact that we managed to stay up that late without caffeine IVs.
-We hosted Kasper and Maria for a week while they were visiting the States from Denmark. Their stay was fantastic and outings included Tex-Mex food, a fireworks extravaganza, a visit to the Fort Worth Stockyards, Texas barbecue, and a tour of Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
-We celebrated my 26th birthday at Hattie's. Two words: tomato bisque. Dinner was followed by a viewing of Eclipse, the most recent installment of the Twilight movie saga. My husband really loves me.
-We redecorated our bedroom. Most of it is complete, but the big blog reveal will have to wait until more of the final details are in place.
There are other things going on in our lives as well; most I'm just forgetting about and some I'm saving for future posts (mostly as insurance that I have things to write about).
For now though, I'll leave you with this tidbit. Lately when looking at photography blogs I've been challenged to imagine what the photos looked like SOOC (straight out of the camera). It seems like once I see a photo one way, I can't easily envision it any other way. It's incredible how editing can make the same picture feel so different.
A picture of Andreas from Hattie's in July (SOOC):

And now, with a few changes. I know I'm biased, but I think he is just so handsome.