This is what the guys did while the girls got ready. Obviously they were not stressing. Those Vang men rely on their natural good looks.
Speaking of good looks. I mean COME ON. Can you say movie star? Model? Danish superstar?! Karina was breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking.
And I can't mention good looking people without including my husband and Farfar. Don't they look sharp?

Farfar performed the ceremony. Having someone you love and trust marry you is priceless. And I am speaking from experience. This picture was horribly underexposed, but I love how you can still see Troels smiling as he admires his bride-to-be.

They are now Mr. and Mrs.!!!! Look at Mogens in the background. That smile stayed there for approximately the next 12 hours.

On the way out of church. All smiles. Also, can I mention AGAIN how good they both looked? My goodness.

Exiting the church. It had just stopped raining.

Standing outside the church waiting for their getaway car. They are still smiling because their dear friends have not started pelting them with rice yet.

And the rice throwing begins. They took it well.

Check out the sweet ride!

Around midnight, after dinner, after speeches, after coffee and dessert...the first dance.

Tillykke Troels and Karina. We love you and can't wait to see what your future holds.