Yesterday I made homemade cupcakes for Andreas' birthday. During the week I found recipes for snickerdoodle cupcakes, lemon cupcakes with lemon cream icing, carrot cake cupcakes with maple cream cheese icing, and many other delightful sounding flavor combinations. What did Andreas request? Vanilla cupcakes with vanilla icing. With such a boring order I was determined to find the best recipe possible. I think the icing was as close to perfection as you can expect from buttercream, but the cupcakes were nothing extraordinary.
I think the problem started with the British recipe. I was setting myself up for failure. I had to Google almost every ingredient, mostly to figure out the comprable American ingredient. Caster sugar? Vanilla essence? Icing sugar? Not to mention everything was in grams. Thanks Signe for my kitchen scale or I would have been completely lost! Why did I even choose this recipe you ask? It was accompanied by adorable photos. I'm a sucker for a pretty picture.
An hour and a dangerous amount of powdered sugar later I had the final product. They may not be the BEST cupcakes in the world, but they certainly looked the part.

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