This weekend Andreas and I floored the attic, sorted through old clothes, papers, and housewares, and organized what most would claim to be a ridiculous amount of 'stuff' for a couple that has only been married for three years. Where did it all come from? And how did it get here?
Now I'm all for sharing our lives with you guys, but photos of me sweating profusely while awkwardly navigating the attic beams or my living room looking like it has been hit by a tornado are not my idea of fun, internet-friendly memories. So instead you are getting the last installment of least for a while. I've been using the stacked photo cache as a blog crutch of sorts. Posting new and more recent events on here forces me to get behind the camera and practice more often, so here's hoping I can be creative and come up with something entertaining!
And now I present Venice Part Deux (or however you say two in Italian)...
This is how you start the morning off in Venice, a cafe. Let me warn you that this is strong coffee, as in I used the entire packet of sugar to sweeten a cup that was smaller than the actual packet of sugar. Of course Dad didn't need no stinkin' sugar and drank it straight up. But I'm not that hard core.

Hungry for breakfast? Grab some fresh the boat.

Don't forget to put the laundry out to dry. This was beautiful, but it made me very grateful for my dryer.

Aren't they cute?! Hannah decided to stay home on this trip to Venice, so it was just Mom, Dad, Andreas, and me. We missed you Hannah!

Piazza San Marco, view from St. Mark's basilica. If you Wiki Piazza San Marco they have almost this exact same picture!

We took a tour of St. Peter's Basilica, which was absolutely breathtaking. The entire church was covered in these impossibly small stones...

...which combined to create these remarkable mosaics. It was truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

Mom and Andreas took a trip to the top to see the four horses while Dad and I hung out downstairs.

Pretty soon it was time for lunch. And do you know what there is no shortage of in all of Italy?

That's right. PIZZA. It is EVERYWHERE. This one is the Four Seasons - mushrooms, roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts, and a pepperoni-like sausage*. Don't ask for pepperoni pizza though unless you want a bunch of red and yellow peppers. Take a cue from Hannah and order the Diavola.

Venice totally lived up to my expectations. It was beautiful and romantic, buzzing with people in certain areas and totally peaceful in others.

And I can't completely finish off Italy without putting a few other random pictures in here of our trip, so here it goes...
Mom and Dad's house! That's an olive tree on the right. And that tree on the left, I just loved it. Such a brilliant red. It looked like it was on fire! And see that corn field in the back right-hand corner?

No big deal. Just their INSANE view.

Pretty pink flowers cascading over a neighbor's window.

Yummy lunch. Pizza again, but I'm not complainin'. I think this time we got buffalo mozzarella and grape tomatoes!

One day we took a trip to a walled city. I cannot remember the name. Mom, help? I know you will remember. I love this picture. Sista, sista!

One of the city's main attractions was a basilica whose floor was entirely covered in a mosaic depicting the history of Christianity. Awesome.

Hannah, Dad, and I scaling the walled city lookouts.

And this picture isn't really related to anything except it was taken on the same day in the same general area. But it took a good 20 minutes to capture this moment, and I felt it deserved its own moment in the spotlight. And look, it still isn't right. But hey, we tried, and now we have the memory of Mom and Andreas directing us for a good long time while we just laughed and complained about our arms hurting. Better luck next time!

*The meat is actually prosciutto, which is a dry-cured ham and not at all like pepperoni. But it was late when I wrote this, and I didn't actually take the time to look at the picture before typing, so now you get this late disclaimer. Good thing I reread the post this morning. Please forgive the confusion.
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