Six months discovering what it means to be parents. Six months of nursing, bouncing, cuddling, comforting, diapering, holding, loving, and here we are. I can unload the dishwasher with one hand and can sing more Veggie Tales songs than I care to know. Andreas can wrestle a wriggling baby into a onesie and can navigate to different rooms of the house in the pitch black darkness of night without running into furniture.
But Anders is the impressive one. He is full of smiles. He grabs and gnaws on whatever he can reach. He sleeps through the night (mostly). He rolls around. He giggles. He loves walks in the stroller. He sits up. He eats solids. He naps.
And on his 6 month birthday, this is what our morning looked like.
Helping Andreas prep his breakfast.
Bumbo time while Andreas and I ate.
And snuggles.

We love you little man :)
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