Andreas and I love Pei Wei, and I mean we looooooove Pei Wei. Where else can you get a relatively healthy, delicious, and filling meal for two for under $10? Not to mention the free fortune cookies! There is one particular Pei Wei that Andreas and I are partial to. It's 'our' Pei Wei. We can recall sitting in the same booth, time after time, enjoying one another's company, laughing, talking about the events of the day. We decided to bid on our first house in that booth. There's just something speicial about it.
After a long day at work, I can think of no better way to relax than dinner at Pei Wei and watching a Redbox movie with my husband. It's the perfect ending to the work week, and the perfect beginning to this three day weekend!
I know of a better place to eat. Ashley's Kitchen!